Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kind words = an awesome end to an already great day!

I truly love what I do. I can't explain the rush that comes over me when I get that awesome photo. For me, taking a photo is preserving a little bit of history forever. Memories fade, but the details come flowing back with that perfect photograph. I know that even if I won the lottery tomorrow, you would still find me photographing families, babies, weddings, and events.

I had a busy, but great day. The kids are in bed, and I finally got a chance to sit down and open a card, from a couple who I photographed their wedding for on August 20th. It was a whimsical black and white card, which totally reminded me of their wedding decor. In it was a beautiful note, thanking me for their photos. Their words mean so much, and for me, kind words are one the best perks of my job. I almost didn't book their wedding because their date also happened to be my youngest son's 3rd birthday. However, after I met Kayla and Adam I knew that I had to be their wedding photographer. They had such a great energy about them that I knew it would be a fantastic wedding.

In the end I want my clients to love their photos as much as I do. I want them to smile every time that they pass them on the wall in the hallway, in a frame on the bookshelf, or propped up on their desk at work. I know that I will smile every time I pass the beautiful card as it sits on top of my piano, next to another sweet note from my dear friend Nicole (who I photographed pictures of her adorable little man Oliver in July). I know that life is busy, but please know that I appreciate the time that you took to put your thoughts down on paper.

Thank-you Kayla and Adam for being so much fun to work with, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at your wedding too, and I'll look forward to the next time that we have the chance to get together:)

(You didn't expect me to write a post without photos?!:)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you (again) for being so awesome. It's people like you that make this world shine. As the card said, we can't wait to work with you again (thinking maybe a cheezy Christmas card shoot?) and PROMISE we won't book on any birthdays this time!

    Love Kayla and Adam
