Monday, September 26, 2011

Biking in the Park

Jody is a good friend from my university days. Time has passed (almost 10 years), but I am so glad that we have stayed in contact. Jody is one of those amazing friends who you might not speak to for months, but you can pick up right where you left off, and it feels like no time has passed.

Jody and Alex brought their adorable kids down for a visit near the end of summer. We had a chance to visit, enjoy lunch together, hang out at the park, and then hang out some more before they had to make their trek back to Ottawa. Jods, I had a hard time deciding between a good old 98 degrees song or some DMB, Dave won out!

"Roomie" & Alex, thank-you so much for coming down. Andy and I truly value our friendship and it is so much fun watching our kids grow up together. I absolutely adore your two little ones, they are just perfect:)

I'm looking forward to getting together again...soon! xoxo

Oh, and for fun, I dug up some photos from our university days, horrible quality - but they made me smile (and laugh).

And just for fun:)

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