Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Five Minutes

Five minutes is just about the time limit that I can squeeze out of my boys to have their picture taken. Grant really wanted to pick apples this year, but we were having a hard time finding an opportunity on the weekends to go. One school night, after dinner, we hopped in the car and headed towards Picton, crossing our fingers that one of the orchards would be open. They weren`t, the boys were disappointed, so we settled on going for milkshakes instead. It was such a beautiful evening, that I convinced the boys (I think that the milkshakes helped) to stop at a boat launch on the way back to town, and shoot a few photos before the sun disappeared. All I want is one, one shot of the two of them together that I love, then I`m a happy mama:)

A sample of what I usually get from my silly boys!

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