Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wonderfully Windy

Well John, Becky and Brynn win the award for persevering through the windiest session that I've ever had. I was so excited about this great little location that I'd discovered, but hadn't had a chance to use. There was the most amazing fallen down tree, that was perfect for a bench, the trees were brilliant shades of yellow, red, and orange, and there were many stumps, rocks, and other interesting things scattered all around. Well, the sun was shining (which it hasn't been lately), the sky was blue, but the wind was whipping around. We met by the "tree bench", snapped a few, and then decided to explore deeper into the brush, in a hope of finding relief from the strong winds. As we explored the area, we came across a winding path that led to a beautiful open field, that was sheltered from the winds, and everything worked out.

Thanks again John, Becky & Brynn for being up for anything!

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