Saturday, October 15, 2011

Welcome Shea

I posted a little while back about my sister-in-law, Emma, who gave birth to my first nephew Henry in August. Well, her twin sister, Kate was also pregnant at the same time. They didn`t plan it, but it was an amazing surprise to have both Kate & Emma due 7 weeks apart.

Kate was due on September 28th, but in true `Dowker boy style`, Mr. Shea decided to come late. We were all waiting anxiously to hear that he had been born, and that mom and baby were healthy - and Shea didn`t disappoint. Shea Daniel Millen was born on Sunday, October 2nd just after noon. We are beyond delighted with the newest member of the family, and I became an auntie for the second time! Shea is absolutely perfect, and he is the spitting image of his daddy.

Shea is so well loved by his mom & dad, grandparents, many aunts and uncles, and his three cousins, Grant, Max, and Henry. The grandson population had doubled, and Poppa is already planning out the climber to be built in his backyard for the boys.

Shea with his cousins, Grant (5), Max (3), & Henry (8 weeks).

Shea(7 days) & Henry (8 weeks)

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