Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Limited Fall Mini Sessions

Fall is one of my most favourite times to shoot outdoors! Think patterns, knits, boots, hats, crisp temperatures, golden light, crimson leaves - you can't go wrong.  Sessions are limited due to my newest little bundle so email if you are interested:)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rob & Anita's Sneak Peak

Another beautiful Saturday in September for a wedding!  Rob & Anita had a wonderful ceremony that centered around their family.  Firetrucks, gardens, and a gorgeous fading sun made way for some unique pictures to capture their special day.  Enjoy your sneak peak.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sneak Peak - Pat & Sarah

I couldn't wait to get home to peak at some of the images from Pat & Sarah's wedding this afternoon.  Considering that it was a torrential downpour, with thunder, lightning and a tornado watch for most of the day, I was thrilled when Mother Nature cooperated long enough for me to snap a few shots.  Much more to come, but here are just s few:)  Congratulations!

Monday, September 3, 2012

One Month Old

 I love him more and more with each day!  I am amazed that I can sit and stare at him while he is sleeping, and be perfectly happy:)  Happy one month birthday Nate (actually yesterday, but as with everything lately, I'm a little late)..

Sunday, September 2, 2012

And then there were 3...

 Welcome Nathan (Nate) Alexander Brian Dowker!  It was a difficult pregnancy, but well worth it!  Nate was born on August 2nd, at 11:13pm, weighing 9lbs. 5oz.  He is absolutely perfect and we are so in love with him.  It is so wonderful to see how my "big boys" adore their little brother, especially Max who is thrilled to actually be a big brother. Nate gets many kisses and snuggles from his brothers throughout the day, and Max is always saying "He's so cute!".

It has been an adjustment but we're slowly finding our way again with a new baby. Between the diapers, cuddling, feeding, more feeding, and then some more feeding we are busy. I heard a quote that I try to remember when it's 4am and I'm up with Nate, "They're your kids for life, but only your baby for a year".  I am trying to soak up all of his "baby moments" because time is going so quickly!  I know that this will become our new normal, and I'm sure that in several months we won't even remember not being a family of 5.  I can't wait to share more photos of Nate, but these will have to do for now:) 

Brian and Jen are having a boy!

I have been off from work for the past couple of months, and missing photography so much!  I wasn't able to shoot much in the last couple of months of my pregnancy, so it feels wonderful to be back at it:)

I met up with Brian, Jen and Sloane one Saturday morning.  Jen wanted to capture some photos of her and her family in her last month of pregnancy, before her little boy arrives.  The park was beautiful, and it was so relaxing as we walked around.  Sloane was slow to warm up, but once we bonded over her alligator and some jokes she was all smiles. She will be a wonderful big sister, and this little boy is so lucky to be entering such a loving family.

 Enjoy your preview and I can't wait to hear that your baby has arrived safe and sound.