Sunday, November 13, 2011

Andrew & Kelly

This was another special wedding for me to photograph for several reasons. First, I photographed Kelly's twin sister Kerri-Anne's wedding just over three years ago, and it's always nice to be asked back within a family. Second, Kelly and Kerri-Anne are one of my twin sister in laws, Kate and Emma's very best friends. I find it so unique that two sets of twins are the best of friends, and have been since they were very young. Now that all of the connections have been made, onto the wedding!

Andrew (Andy) and Kelly live on a beautiful property just outside of Charleston Lake Provincial Park. They had arranged for their ceremony to take place at Andy's Aunt and Uncle's house, in the middle of an amazing field, under an enormous oak tree. The ceremony was simple and elegant, and felt very intimate, despite being in the middle of a country field. They had included many personal touches to add their own personality to the ceremony.

Afterwards, everyone headed over to Andy and Kelly's house for the reception. They had a white tent put up in their side yard, and served their guests a delicious spread of home cooked goodness. It was a lovely evening, with friends, family, laughter, and dancing under the stars.

Congrats Andy and Kelly, your wedding was absolutely beautiful!


  1. love, love, LOVE the pictures Lindsay! As always you have out done yourself!

  2. Could hardly watch the slide show for crying! Absolutely beautiful. The subjects weren't too shabby, either!

  3. Lindsay Fisher-Dowker, you are ridiculous.
    Beautiful pictures everyone!
