Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sing, Dance, Smile

I met Susie and her daughter Carolyn several years ago in a Kindermusik class that I took with my son Grant. Kindermusik is a magical place where you sing, say rhymes, dance and move with your child. Right away you know that you share a love of music with the other moms in the class. I wish that I could go to Kindermusik classes every week with my sons. I was so happy when Susie contacted me to take some photographs of her little girl.

"A daughter is... ...your greatest source of pride and your greatest hope for the future... The happiest moment of your life was the day she was introduced to the world."
-- Bettie Meschler

I know that this is exactly how Susie feels about her daughter Carolyn. Susie herself is an amazing example of a stong, intelligent, and fearless woman. What a great example for her daughter to follow.

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