Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Grant!

I know that everyone says this, but time really does feel like it is zipping by! I can't believe that Grant is having his 7th birthday, seven, really? His dad and I are so proud of the little man that he is becoming. There are a lot of reasons why we love Grant, but here are the top 10:

#10 He works hard to improve his basketball, soccer, and golf skills.
# 9 He loves to read (he is pretty darn good at it), and he will even read to us.
# 8 His artwork brightens the walls of our home.
# 7 He is an amazing piano player (Carnegie Hall look out)!
# 6 He works very hard at school each day to always do his best.
# 5 He is a kind and loyal friend.
# 4 He is responsible and he can be counted on.
# 3 He is trustworthy and can keep a secret.
# 2 He gives the best hugs, cuddles, and back rubs.
# 1 Grant loves his family, especially his little brothers. He shows his love and
takes care of us everyday.

Happy birthday Grant! We are excited to watch you grow and be a part of your life. We love you to the moon and back!! xxoo Mom

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